It’s a desolate New Year for some new UAE expats

The Christmas season is a period of bliss, festivity, and harmony. For some recently shown up exiles, nonetheless, living in the UAE this season can be especially difficult as they get themselves alone during the time of celebrations.

To acquire an understanding into their encounters, Khaleej Times talked with ostracizes who are exploring forlornness and looked for guidance from emotional well-being specialists.


Mohamed Amr, a 24-year-old Egyptian designer living in Sharjah, shares his battle to track down reasonable spots to spend New Year’s Eve as a solitary person.

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In the same way as other exiles, Mohamed is confronting the trouble of not having companions accessible to go along with him for any exercises.

He investigated various choices, for example, remaining at JBR or going to the film, however experienced restricted scenes that took special care of solo guests. Mohamed’s experience features the difficulties looked by ostracizes looking for friendship and association during the Christmas season.

Ammer Afaq, a 24-year-old movie producer from Pakistan, considers his choice to move to Dubai and the close to home cost of being away from family, companions, and natural environmental elements.

While he recognizes the trouble of being distant from everyone else, he stays hopeful about building a superior future for himself in Dubai. Ammer’s story highlights the penances and assurance that ostracizes frequently show in quest for individual and expert development.

“Bidding farewell is consistently the hardest part. [Especially], when you leave on an excursion that you don’t know anything about – it seems like doing battle,” Ammer communicated to Khaleej Times.

Finding Fulfilment
Najma Swaleh, a Kenyan ostracize who showed up in Dubai a month and a half back, shares her experience of leaving her nation of origin looking for open doors and experience.

“Looking at the situation objectively, video calls help a great deal. I probably won’t have the option to hold them yet seeing them helps,” Najma shared about her way of dealing with stress.

While she has one companion in Dubai, Najma underlines the significance of investigating new leisure activities and participating in exercises to battle sensations of depression. She has found delight in bike riding, cycling by the ocean side, and going to craftsmanship celebrations. Najma’s proactive methodology embodies how exiles can track down comfort and satisfaction by submerging themselves in new encounters.

Social assumptions

Depression during the Christmas season can significantly affect psychological well-being. Dr Aida Suhaimi, a Clinical Therapist from Medcare Camali Center, makes sense of that cultural and individual assumptions frequently add to uplifted pressure and tension during this time.

The strain to measure up to these assumptions appears in side effects like restlessness, hunger changes, and actual protests. Drawn out forlornness can likewise debilitate the invulnerable framework and increment the gamble of creating sorrow, nervousness problems, and even dementia.

To adapt to forlornness, Dr Aida prompts looking for social and daily encouragement through help gatherings, associating with companions or family, and taking part in volunteer or beneficent exercises. Dealing with oneself through taking care of oneself practices is additionally pivotal. This can include mastering new abilities, enjoying loosening up exercises, and zeroing in on exercises that support confidence and fulfillment.

Look for help
“On the off chance that you feel alone, it is critical to search out friendly and close to home assistance,” Dr Aida added.

Dr Aida suggests acknowledging the situation of forlornness and contacting people who can relate to your sentiments. Developing appreciation through a journaling practice can likewise encourage a positive outlook and give comfort during testing times.

By embracing appreciation, people can foster a demeanor of gratefulness and make a set up account of valued minutes and encounters.

While the Christmas season might be desolate for certain ostracizes, it’s memorable’s vital that they are in good company in their battles. By executing survival techniques and looking for help, people can explore this period with versatility and trust.

The UAE’s multicultural climate offers potential open doors for association and commitment, and exiles can track down comfort in investigating new encounters, building connections, and focusing on taking care of oneself.

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